Sedation Dentistry
Non-invasive solution for acute dental anxiety.
Going Under and Waking Up
It’s important to remember that moderate sedation, is not the name of the drug that’s being administered. Instead, moderate sedation differentiates itself from local anesthesia in that it numbs the body and puts the mind to sleep. Most commonly given by means of an injection or as an inhalant, moderate sedation describes a mixture of potent drugs that are used to induce a sleep-like state in those to whom it’s given.
If you’re planning to “go under,” keep in mind that the effects of moderate sedation may take several hours to wear off. Plan ahead: Dentists typically require a patient to arrange for a ride home and a few hours of aftercare following procedures in which moderate sedation is used. If you aren’t able to make appropriate ride-accommodations or don’t have a companion to stay with you at your home for a few hours following your surgical procedure, your dentist may recommend a longer stay at the office to ensure complete recuperation from the sedation.